Tag Archives: Kings

King of Pentacles

The General Manager

King of PentaclesWe are motivated by a need for independence and financial fulfillment. We focus on our careers, tend to be over-achievers and are very goal orientated –all of which hinders our ability to focus on family, friends and relationships.

Correction: focus more on our family, friends and relationships

The King of Wands represents a state of mind in which we want to succeed and achieve independence. In the defined period we need to be in a state-of-mind where we know our goals and focus our efforts on achieving them.

However, the end does not justify the means so we need to be extra careful of our inclination to sacrifice important areas of life, mainly family and relationships. We also need to be aware of our tendency to adapt ourselves to society and act according to what others expect of us -which is not always what we want to do.

We must thoroughly check our goals in life and make sure these goals do not come on account of the things we value in our lives such as family, friends and relationships.

Areas of particular relevance: Management, business, career, independence, money.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships ___________ We tend to focus on other areas such as career –sometimes as means to escape relationship problems we face
Career We can be great bosses and managers, are very focused on our goal and can definitely achieve it ___________


Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer



King of Cups

The Deprived

King of CupsWe are motivated by a strong need for emotional stability. We feel that others do not care about us and that we are not being loved. We therefore surround ourselves with the known and the familiar –those surroundings or people who will not hurt us. Consequently we find it hard to function in other surroundings or circumstances.

Correction: We need to think more of our career and personal fulfillment.

The king of Wands represents a state of mind in which we strive for stability at all costs. We do everything we can to get stability in our homes, in our relationships, in our workplace, etc.

We need to check why do we do things: are we acting out of fear to lose something we care about? Are we trying to pacify others so we get loved in return? If the answer is positive, it is time we adapt a much healthier approach to life, an approach in which we focus more on our goals and personal fulfillment.

Areas of particular relevance: Mother and motherhood, family, home.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships We are starting to aspire for a relationship and intimacy We are easily offended, we are so afraid to lose the other side that we consequently suffocate them
Career N/A We tend to be lazy, lack motivation, do not plan well, act slowly


Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer


King of Swords

The pacifier

King of SwordsWe are motivated by a strong need to avoid conflict and achieve harmony at any price. We are willing to sacrifice our wants and needs and do not truly face our problems. Once we pass a certain threshold, however, we will dramatically cut anything that bothers us out of our life for good.

Correction: We need to learn to think more of ourselves.

The king of Wands represents a state of mind in which we want to have harmony around us. We want so badly to avoid conflict and pacify everyone that we are willing to sacrifice our opinions, beliefs, and even the most important thing: who we really are.

We tend to be ideal partners, especially in relationships. We are social and feel very comfortable around others, who usually mirror our feelings. On the other hand we are so concerned with harmony that we seldom express the things that bother us. This avoidance builds up frustration that will one day erupt in a sudden, violent and irrevocable way.

It is important for us to learn how to be ourselves and how to express our wants and needs to the world.

Areas of particular relevance: Relationships, marriage, design, art and aesthetics.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships We are starting to aspire for a serious relationship leading to family and kids We tend not to discuss what bothers us and then suddenly end relationships without granting second chances
Career Peers tend to like us, support our work and give us credit We tend to be “too nice” and not fulfill ourselves due to potential conflicts


Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer



King of Wands

The entrepreneur

King of WandsWe are motivated by a strong need to express ourselves. We are impulsive and do as we wish regardless of the impact on our immediate surroundings. We can become very excited by a new venture or a new beginning but tend to lose interest once things move into a steady-state mode.

Correction: We need to learn to think more about others.

The king of Wands represents a state of mind in which we want to create and innovate, engage in new ventures, and actively promote a particular area of our lives. In the defined period we are supposed to experience a surge of energy, vitality, and a strong will to succeed in our undertaking, while enthralling others – making them share and support our goals and enthusiasm.

But, at the same time we must also consider the possibility that this sudden surge of energy and enthusiasm might make us egocentric – so while focusing on our defined target we see little else. To counter this, we must plan ahead, be less impulsive and more considerate toward others.  In addition, we need to be aware of the fact that after the initial surge of enthusiasm we tend to lose interest, slow down, and lose track of our target.

If we manage to overcome these challenges we can achieve our goals while not alienating the special people in our lives.

Areas of particular relevance: Entrepreneurship, new beginnings, new ventures, sexuality.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Charismatic, enthralling Impulsive, not paying attention, quickly losing interest
Career Having high aspirations, strong wish to act and succeed Rush, not thinking thoroughly, taking unnecessary risks



Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer

