Tag Archives: number 6

Six of Swords

We need a vacation to clear our head so we can return to our daily life with renewed energy. If we currently are in a temporary state we must not get stuck in it despite its convenience but rather go back to our lives once the temporary state  stopped being benefitial.

The meaning of the Six of Swords directly correlates to the state we are in with regard to the issue at hand. If the situation overburdens us, drains away our energy and absorb our time then the card calls upon us to take a vacation so we can rest, enjoy and clear our mind.

If, on the other hand, we are stuck in a temporary state, we might have become addicted to escapism and have no desire to return to reality. In this case the card calls upon us to wake up and stop escaping life by returning to reality and dealing with the difficulties, whatever they are.

In relationships the card can indicate a short term affair -which can be seen as a vacation. An affair can fit a certain time in our lives but usually, expectations aside, will not blossom into a serious relationship. In this case we need to wake up, burst the bubble and understand that we tend to get addicted to affairs –short term as they are.

Areas of particular relevance: International travel, affairs, getting stuck in the past, temporary states, children, looking for help.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Going on a vacation to renew our relationship, if single: a vacation where we can enjoy occasional affairs to clear our head We tend to get into affairs and short term relationships
Career A vacation will enable us to get back to work with renewed energy We tend to work in the wrong environments and investment time in the wrong projects -on account of the important ones




Six of Cups

We got a second chance. If we examined our past, realized our mistake and corrected it then we will succeed. Otherwise, we will find ourselves repeating past mistakes and getting nowhere.

Six of CupsWe get a second chance to confront an event from our past. The same situation, person or test repeat themselves. The big question is whether we learned from our previous mistakes. If we understood the lesson and applied the required corrections then the reincarnation of the past will be good for us, otherwise we are bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

For example, we failed an exam but now get a chance to re-take it. If we do not prepare we will fail again. But if we understood where we went wrong and put in the effort we will succeed.

Areas of particular relevance: Kids, living with one’s folks, fond memories, figures from our past, an ex who suddenly shows up in our life, an affair with our ex.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships An opportunity to fix what did not work before, a good time to reach out and overcome differences, a past relationship reappears and develops into something meaningful We tend to escape reality without solving the problems we face, unsolved problems from our past come back to haunt us –especially our ex
Career A good time to examine things, analyze and strengthen the foundation, self-criticism that leads to improvements, deals or business opportunities materialize after we lost hope We find it hard to change and accept change, inefficient time management, stagnation opportunities materialize after we lost hope





Six of pentacles

We got a break! Now we must not rest on our laurels but work hard to prove ourselves.

Six of pentaclesThe Six of Coins indicates that we got more than we deserved and basically have more luck than brains.

Although the card indicates victory we have to understand that we have been given a rare chance. We need to be aware of our tendency to rest on our laurels and do nothing, and especially in this case must work hard and prove that we are worthy of the opportunity we got.

For example, we might have scored a lucrative position with the employer assuming we master a certain software application -but in actuality we do not. What we really got is a grace period in which we need to work hard, quickly learn the application and prove our mastery of it.


Areas of particular relevance: Luck, chance, generosity, donations, giving and accepting help rest on our laurels.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Unexpected success, getting a second chance, our spouse accepts us as we are Tendency to idealize the other party, trusting our physical appearance and prosperity and put no additional effort
Career Unexpected promotion and success, getting help, getting a break although we have yet to prove ourselves Tendency to trust our luck, not tying the loose ends, inability to reach financial independence, tendency to rest on our laurels


Six of Wands

We made it! After a lot of effort and hard work we have reached our goal. But it is important not to stop our efforts or else we will lose what we already achieved.

Six of WandsThe Six of Wands is a card of victory and success. We worked hard, put in the effort and therefore got everything we wished for.

However, the problem is that when we achieve our victory we tend to rest on our laurels. When we finally get what we want we stop being who we where while trying. And when this happens we might lose everything.

We did not achieve our victory by chance -we succeeded due to hard work and because we are good at what we do. However, if we do not continue walking our path and stop trying then we will surely fail.

Areas of particular relevance: Victories, sexuality, achieving a goal only for the experience of it.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Falling in love, finding a partner, success and recognition, overcoming resistance and hardship Lack of persistence and no further investment after initial success, sexuality at an early stage can hurt the relationship
Career Success and reaching our goal due to hard work Once we succeed we tend to stop trying, squandering

