Author Archives: Sagie

Six of pentacles

We got a break! Now we must not rest on our laurels but work hard to prove ourselves.

Six of pentaclesThe Six of Coins indicates that we got more than we deserved and basically have more luck than brains.

Although the card indicates victory we have to understand that we have been given a rare chance. We need to be aware of our tendency to rest on our laurels and do nothing, and especially in this case must work hard and prove that we are worthy of the opportunity we got.

For example, we might have scored a lucrative position with the employer assuming we master a certain software application -but in actuality we do not. What we really got is a grace period in which we need to work hard, quickly learn the application and prove our mastery of it.


Areas of particular relevance: Luck, chance, generosity, donations, giving and accepting help rest on our laurels.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Unexpected success, getting a second chance, our spouse accepts us as we are Tendency to idealize the other party, trusting our physical appearance and prosperity and put no additional effort
Career Unexpected promotion and success, getting help, getting a break although we have yet to prove ourselves Tendency to trust our luck, not tying the loose ends, inability to reach financial independence, tendency to rest on our laurels


Six of Wands

We made it! After a lot of effort and hard work we have reached our goal. But it is important not to stop our efforts or else we will lose what we already achieved.

Six of WandsThe Six of Wands is a card of victory and success. We worked hard, put in the effort and therefore got everything we wished for.

However, the problem is that when we achieve our victory we tend to rest on our laurels. When we finally get what we want we stop being who we where while trying. And when this happens we might lose everything.

We did not achieve our victory by chance -we succeeded due to hard work and because we are good at what we do. However, if we do not continue walking our path and stop trying then we will surely fail.

Areas of particular relevance: Victories, sexuality, achieving a goal only for the experience of it.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Falling in love, finding a partner, success and recognition, overcoming resistance and hardship Lack of persistence and no further investment after initial success, sexuality at an early stage can hurt the relationship
Career Success and reaching our goal due to hard work Once we succeed we tend to stop trying, squandering



Five of Swords

We have to make a choice but there are no good options to choose from. Only when we choose and act accordingly will we understand what is right for us. If we chose wrongly we will still have the opportunity to fix our choice.

Five of SwordsThe Five of Swords represents the common situation in which we face a choice yet no option is attractive. Yet we still have to pick an option and act accordingly.

The important lesson is that we must act! We have to choose and act according to our choice with full conviction and commitment to our new path.

It is important to understand that only when we decide and start walking the chosen path will we know whether it is right for us. Even if we chose wrongly we will still be at a stage in which we can correct our mistake while fully understanding what is right for us.

Areas of particular relevance: Indecision, no risk taking, letting others decide for us, becoming newly religious .

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships If we allow ourselves to take a chance and fall in love we can find a good relationship f trust in employees or management Fear and difficulty to fall in love, inability to make a choice, leaving things as they are will hurt the relationship nt
Career Making hard decisions can overcome the crisis we face t the relationship nt We tend to let others decide in our stead, business standstill due to our indecision, lack of progress


Five of Cups

The doubts we experienced had turned out into unfounded feelings of despair which, in turn, lead to miscommunication. If we continue this trend our doubts will turn into a destructive, self-fulfilling prophecy.

Five of CupsThe Five of Cups indicates that as a result of the doubts that found their way into our heart in Four of Cups, we feel desperate, pessimistic and can only see the half-empty part of the glass. Our reactions are proportional to the situation and are based on groundless, unverified assumptions.

Our despair causes us to withdraw from reality and hide inside ourselves. We start to develop a depression and exhibit lack of interest in life. If we continue to act this way our environment will respond accordingly and eventually we will really find ourselves feeling desperate for a good reason.

It is important to understand that our despair is unfounded and that the situation is better than it seems. We must stop the destructive chain of events we found ourselves in via better communication with our environment and react to the situation at hand.

Areas of particular relevance: Depression, lack of trust, despair, separation, negative self-fulfilling prophesy lack of trust in employees or management.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Everything is ok –we simply need to better communicate and be optimistic Despair, inability to see a positive future, desperation, sadness, handling ourselves wrongly, miscommunication, lack of trust
Career It is important to remember that not all is bad, we need to focus on our victories and not stop the momentum Fears and doubts that delay action, excessive dealings with the past, focus on difficulties, inability to see a bright future, lack of trust in employees or management



Five of pentacles

We feel threatened and are about to respond in a destructive manner -paying consequently a terrible price. It is crucial that we decipher reality properly and act accordingly. But, if we already acted wrongly we must forgive ourselves and move on.

Five of pentaclesThe Five of Coins, one of the worst cards in the Tarot deck, can show that we experience a real loss and go through a crisis. Knowing that the bad situation we find ourselves in is a direct consequence of our own actions does not make it any easier for us. But, it is important to understand that under the circumstances we had no choice and simply had to respond in the way we did due to the mental distress we experienced.

In the previous stage of the process, the Four of Coins, there was no real threat but we nevertheless felt threatened and started to walk a slippery slope. Since we did not handle the problem correctly, as time went by our reactions worsened until we did what got us to our present situation.

If the card relates to a future question, there is a possibility to avoid the associated pain and sorrow –but only if we handle the problem we face –as represented by the Four of Coins.

Areas of particular relevance: Financial loss, self destructiveness, bachelorhood.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships ________ Unfaithfulness, tendency to ruin the relationship, self destructiveness, the stage of bachelorhood and inability to move on
Career ________ Financial loss, failure due to a rush action, acting under pressure, wrong assumptions leading to bad decisions


Five of Wands

We feel invincible and think that everything will turn out exactly as planned, tending to underestimate the required effort. But, only if we work hard and ask for help will we succeed.

Five of WandsAlthough the Five of Wands indicates that we will achieve a victory, we have to understand that it will not be simple or easy. The problem lies in our belief that everything will happen swiftly enabling us to will reach our goal with minimal effort. But, things do not work out as expected and we find ourselves surprised by the amount of struggle required to get to our goal. It is important for us to be ready for this struggle while understanding it is an important phase in our personal development. We will succeed only if we are ready to fight.

The card indicates that we can, and need to, get help -help which is probably not conventional. And here we need to bear in mind that what is conventional for one person is not so for another. For example, for a religious person it is natural to turn to their spiritual leader while for a secular person it will be more natural to turn to a counselor. The point is that this help is coming from outside of our comfort zone and it, in turn, will bring success.

Areas of particular relevance: Struggles, arguments, hardship, love at first sight, foreboding, need to see a therapist, a woman falling for a man.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships We have great potential but need to undergo and complete a process before becoming successful Struggles and difficulties, conflicts, we tend to underestimate the situation
Career We are close to finding success but need to put all our efforts into it and fight hard in order to get it Resistance and hardship, conflict of interests, we tend to underestimate the required effort and think that succeed is guaranteed


Four of Swords

Now is not a good time to make a decision or take action. Despite our strong will to act we need to hold back and wait for a better time.

Four of SwordsThe Four of Swords indicates that now, the immediate present, is not a good time to act or react to the issue at hand. Both we and the situation are still not primed so every action and every decision will turn out better if we only wait a bit longer.

It is important to understand that the situation is bothering us so, although not sure, we tend to take action, react, act here and now and be done with it. This type of action is definitely not recommended. In Four of Swords it is important for us to wait for a better time to act.

Areas of particular relevance: Sickness, retreat, isolation, thinking in-depth about the situation, need for a respite from difficult reality, seeing a psychologist.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Self exploration and treatment as part of a relationship or as preparation for a relationship nt Rush decisions will lead to difficulties, we need some time alone, no desire for a relationship
Career A good time for reorganization Current business decisions and actions will not be successful, without change and reorganization past problems will continue to trouble us




Four of Cups

We experience doubts that do not allow us to see the reality of the situation -which is in actuality quite positive. We must get down to the source of our doubts and confront the facts.

Four of CupsIn the Four of Cups we get “poisoned” and consequently experience fears and doubts. We have lost faith in the on-going process and we feel that the celebration, as was indicated by Three of Cups, is over.

But it is important to understand that our feelings are wrong and so is our twisted perception of reality. We do not see the truth, worry for no reason and are stuck within a wrong view of the world.

To move forward we must get to the bottom of things. We need to understand the source of our doubts while confronting our fears. If we overcome our doubts and do not give in to gossip, rumors, and fears, we will be able to discover the truth and experience reality as it truly is: a lot better than what we believe.

Areas of particular relevance: Fear of abandonment, boredom and inactivity, bad advice, poisonous gossip, loneliness, depression, need for psychological/emotional treatment.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Although it might seem to the contrary, in practice both sides are looking for emotional stability and love We are full of doubts, have no faith, feel pessimistic and worrisome, we find it hard to get enthusiastic and enjoy ourselves like we used to
Career There is a possibility to advance to the next level but first we need to overcome our fears and doubts It is hard for us to see the situation as it truly is, inefficient employees and consultants, feeling of boredom, being driven by fears and doubts


Four of pentacles

We fail to correctly decipher reality and therefore feel threatened, react badly and cling to the known and the familiar.

Four of pentaclesWe feel threatened by some sort of competition. Something is bothering our peace of mind. We feel that we do not have sure footing in the situation we face. These feelings undermine our confidence, make us feel threatened, and lead to us feeling helpless and envious. Consequently we stick to the known and the familiar, raise our walls and become very possessive. But these reactions lead us in the wrong direction: Instead of dealing with the fear and using it as leverage for self-development we get stuck. It is important to make sure we understand what it is that we are so afraid of. Once we overcome the perceived threat we will understand what needs to be done.

For example, someone’s boss makes a pass with his wife -but this does not mean that she will be receptive to his advances. Instead of getting stressed out and  acting drastically, which can hurt the relationship, the husband should use the fear as leverage and become the “perfect husband” -one that the wife will never think of leaving.

Areas of particular relevance: Stinginess, competitiveness, wealth, financial stability.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Stability and a solid foundation for the relationship Emotional stinginess, fear of losing the other party, stubbornness, jealousy, lack of communication
Career Stability in business and in our career, a solid financial foundation Fear of investment, jealousy, competitiveness, stinginess, short-term focus



Four of Wands

We are on the right track to success but we tend to move too fast, focusing solely on our goal and not experience our path to it. Enjoying the journey will ensure getting the results we seek.

Four of WandsIn Four of Wands we embark on a journey toward our long-term goal. We do so full of passion and with utter conviction, believing in our way and the success it will bring.

But results are not everything: we are so fired up and so excited about our goal that we miss the importance of experiencing the journey. Blind focus on an end such as a degree, a wedding or a business venture might cause us to miss the learning experience we gain on the way; the process of falling in love in a relationship, or the hands-on learning of opening our own business. These experiences are crucial for our personal development. The Four of Wands calls upon us to live every day to the fullest, while learning, enjoying and experiencing the journey.

Areas of particular relevance: Wedding, engagement, embarking on an adventure, making a sacrifice for a cause, sacrificing the present for the benefit of the future.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Stability, finding the perfect partner, moving to the next stage Tendency to move too fast and not enjoy the process
Career Getting on the fast track to success, choosing roles and projects that will make us successful Tendency to move ahead ignoring the important details, working too hard without enjoying life

