Category Archives: Tarot Cards

Eight of Swords

We can reach the desired result but find ourselves blocked. Instead of listening to that part in us that knows the answer we let our feelings rule us. Only if we let go and listen to logic can we succeed.

Eight of SwordsIn this card, as well as in any of the eight cards, we are ready to make the transition from the current stage to the next and reach our goal. But we tend to fail in this transition because we do not act rationally and responsibly. In practice, we hinder our own progress since we decline to listen to the voice of logic. We instead act out of our emotions, catering to our fears and doubts, and so block our route to success.

Many things can tie us and block our progress to the next stage: we might be committed to a contract, the breaching of which will cost us dearly, or we might simply feel uncomfortable doing something unpleasant. But breaching the contract or overcoming our feelings might be our only way to break free. When we stop listening to the wrong reasons, when we see the situation in its entirety, when we break free – only then will we reach our goal.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  Ability to correctly interpret reality.  Emotional blocks and inability to fall in love, fear of exposing ourselves, it is hard for us to act in a rational and balanced way.
Career Good judgment, keeping our alertness and sticking to our original goals will lead to success.  Inability to make decisions, emotional blocks and manipulations impede our ability to act correctly.


Areas of particular relevance:
Betrayals, secrets, inability to see reality for what it is, despair and depression

Eight of Cups

We tried so hard to control reality that we forgot what we originally wanted. Only when we let go of the struggle will we understand what is right for us.

Eight of CupsWe have been struggling for so long that we forget why we actually do so. We have tried everything but have still not reached the required result. The only thing we have not tried yet is to let go. The Eight of Cups call us to let go of our struggle!

Although we are not guaranteed that letting go will lead us to our goal, it will create serenity that will let us go inside ourselves. This way we will find why we struggled so hard and what is right for us. After understanding this point we will be able to go back and act in order to get what we want. But we might discover that we fought for the wrong cause all along, or that we fought for a cause that ceased to be right for us.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  Letting go of control will lead to the desired results, submitting and retreating will expose the other side’s intentions.  Stubbornness that will lead to defeat, a choking relationship, lack of desire to see the truth, tendency to hold on to a mutually-wrong relationship.
Career  A good time to change direction and investigate newly formed opportunities.  Getting into pointless struggles, needless stubbornness, inability to spot business opportunities.


Areas of particular relevance: 
A Psychologist, tense relationship between a woman and her mother-in-law, needless struggles

Eight of Pentacles

We are ongoing a lengthy process that requires a lot of work but showing little in return. To become successful we have to persist.

Eight of PentaclesThe Eight of Coins is a card of hard work. It indicates apprenticeship where we are ready to work hard and sacrifice in the present to improve our future. For example, studying many years for a coveted degree, or working for a year earning minimal wages just to get the experience.

The card calls upon us to get used to routine despite it being sometimes hard or boring. We have to find the good things about routine and try to enjoy it as much as we can.
It is important to remember that the process is long and so we do not give up prematurely. We need to show resilience and persist in our efforts. Only this way will we get to our goal.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  Stability and simplicity, willingness to wait for the required results.  Inability to handle routine.
Career  happiness and satisfaction at the workplace, willingness to work hard, persist and sacrifice.  Excessive bureaucracy impedes our ability to reach our goal.


Areas of particular relevance: Work, manual labor, working as salaried employee, apprenticeship and training period, degree study, new beginning –especially at work, workplace romance

Eight of Wands

To guarantee success, we have to react quickly and without hesitation and take advantage of a recently formed opportunity.

Eight of WandsNow is the time to act. There is no time for debates, questions and discussions. When we will act the Universe will help us and our action will be successful.

This is a card of success in which all of our actions are correct. We need to continue them swiftly, decisively, with no hesitation on our part. This way we will quickly get the results that are right for us, eventually leading us to success and completeness.

Many times the card calls upon us to act swiftly so we won’t miss a particular opportunity.
The Eight of Wands is the pinnacle of the suit of Wands. If we act correctly we will exchange energy into matter and continue to the success represented by the Nine and Ten of Coins. Hesitation and no action on our part will lead us to the decline of Nine and Ten of Wands.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  Readiness for a relationship including marriage, passion and falling in love.  Jealousy, stupid bickering, halting the progress after becoming successful.
Career  Opportunities we have to take advantage of, creativity and good ideas that promote us, quick action that will lead to success.

Tendency to wait and miss opportunities, debates and squabbles divert us from our goal, issues inside the organization bar our progress.




Areas of particular relevance: Love and falling in love, readiness to settle down with a partner, written and electronic communication

Seven of Swords

We are at our very best, our thinking is solid and our ideas are strong. We need to define goals, create a plan and execute accordingly.

Seven of SwordsIn the previous card, Six of Swords, we took a vacation from life and reality. In the current card, Seven of Swords–one of the strongest cards in the suit of swords, we act decisively and move swiftly forward our goal. We perform at our best, we are active, practical, cool headed, logical, and know our goal. We have solid ideas and know how to plan -both short and long term.

It is important to note that although the card puts emphasis on planning, we do not stay in the theoretical realm and start successfully turning our ideas into reality. Although we have not yet achieved our goal we are already at an advanced stage of executing our plan.

In this card the way to reach our goal is via logical thinking and planning. We have to trust ourselves and our ability to solve problem using logical thinking, planning and execution. The card indicates that we have the ability to do so but at the same time must not get lost in details that can make us lose focus.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  A good time to move to the next stage, good planning of the next moves will lead to success.  We need to be careful of over-planning and over-analyzing that can come on account of our ability to flow well and express feelings.
Career  Using our logic will lead to success, we have the capacity to plan and execute, we can see things for what they are.

We tend to cut corners and not follow the process -which can hamper our ability to succeed.

Areas of particular relevance: Tendency to act alone, bulletproof plan, mother issues, Electra Complex (girl in love with her dad), a special bond between two brothers.



Seven of Cups

It is time to stop fantasizing. Our dream is possible – we need to implement it and turn it into a reality.

Seven of CupsIn Seven of Cups we can turn our dream into a reality. But to make it happen we need to get down to earth and stop building castles in the air.

Although we aim high, the actual results of our effort indicate a big gap between our plans and reality. Fulfilling our dream is possible but we might need to adjust our expectations to fit reality and the facts. It is important to plan ahead and understand what can realistically be done, act accordingly and stick to the goals we set to ourselves.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  The relationship we desire is possible but will require a lot of work on our part, it is a good time to be romantic in order to promote our relationship.  We tend to get stuck in the past, fantasize and do nothing, lack of action will lead to failure, we need to be wary of excessive optimism and false hopes.
Career  It is a good time for business ventures enabling us to fulfill our dreams, we successfully utilize our imagination to promote our career.

 Tendency to get stuck in the past and not adjust to life’s changes, greediness, deceptions, going after what seems to be easy to get.


Areas of particular relevance: Tendency to fantasize but not act, missed opportunities, man’s excessive attachment to his mother

Seven of Wands

We tend to spend our time on trivial things -we have to set priorities and execute accordingly while focusing on our goal.

Seven of WandsThe Seven of Wands indicates a tendency to deal with the trivial and the unimportant. Now, however, we understand that this approach gets us nowhere. We therefore have to stop going around in circles chasing challenges and simply focus on the essence of the topic.
We often fail to reach our goal because we spend energy to fulfill other needs. For example, if we want a promotion we need to get our ego in check while communicating with our manager, think before speaking and establish a solid relationship -which will lead to the coveted promotion.
If we face the same problems and get the same lessons over and over again, we need to learn from past mistakes and focus first and foremost on our goal. Only then, with our goal in mind, can we discard the trivial, focus on the essential and succeed.

Areas of particular relevance: Mistakes, lack of concentration, confusion, getting lost in detail, attention and focus disorder

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships  A good time to overcome relationship difficulties, focusing on our goal will lead to the desired results.  Confusion and lack of focus, difficulties and obstacles, relationships turn into rivalry, sticking stubbornly to our principles.
Career  Focus and smart utilization of our resources will get us to our goal.  We fail to see the big picture, getting lost in detail, cooperation turns to competition.



Six of Swords

We need a vacation to clear our head so we can return to our daily life with renewed energy. If we currently are in a temporary state we must not get stuck in it despite its convenience but rather go back to our lives once the temporary state  stopped being benefitial.

The meaning of the Six of Swords directly correlates to the state we are in with regard to the issue at hand. If the situation overburdens us, drains away our energy and absorb our time then the card calls upon us to take a vacation so we can rest, enjoy and clear our mind.

If, on the other hand, we are stuck in a temporary state, we might have become addicted to escapism and have no desire to return to reality. In this case the card calls upon us to wake up and stop escaping life by returning to reality and dealing with the difficulties, whatever they are.

In relationships the card can indicate a short term affair -which can be seen as a vacation. An affair can fit a certain time in our lives but usually, expectations aside, will not blossom into a serious relationship. In this case we need to wake up, burst the bubble and understand that we tend to get addicted to affairs –short term as they are.

Areas of particular relevance: International travel, affairs, getting stuck in the past, temporary states, children, looking for help.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Going on a vacation to renew our relationship, if single: a vacation where we can enjoy occasional affairs to clear our head We tend to get into affairs and short term relationships
Career A vacation will enable us to get back to work with renewed energy We tend to work in the wrong environments and investment time in the wrong projects -on account of the important ones




Six of Cups

We got a second chance. If we examined our past, realized our mistake and corrected it then we will succeed. Otherwise, we will find ourselves repeating past mistakes and getting nowhere.

Six of CupsWe get a second chance to confront an event from our past. The same situation, person or test repeat themselves. The big question is whether we learned from our previous mistakes. If we understood the lesson and applied the required corrections then the reincarnation of the past will be good for us, otherwise we are bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

For example, we failed an exam but now get a chance to re-take it. If we do not prepare we will fail again. But if we understood where we went wrong and put in the effort we will succeed.

Areas of particular relevance: Kids, living with one’s folks, fond memories, figures from our past, an ex who suddenly shows up in our life, an affair with our ex.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships An opportunity to fix what did not work before, a good time to reach out and overcome differences, a past relationship reappears and develops into something meaningful We tend to escape reality without solving the problems we face, unsolved problems from our past come back to haunt us –especially our ex
Career A good time to examine things, analyze and strengthen the foundation, self-criticism that leads to improvements, deals or business opportunities materialize after we lost hope We find it hard to change and accept change, inefficient time management, stagnation opportunities materialize after we lost hope





Six of pentacles

We got a break! Now we must not rest on our laurels but work hard to prove ourselves.

Six of pentaclesThe Six of Coins indicates that we got more than we deserved and basically have more luck than brains.

Although the card indicates victory we have to understand that we have been given a rare chance. We need to be aware of our tendency to rest on our laurels and do nothing, and especially in this case must work hard and prove that we are worthy of the opportunity we got.

For example, we might have scored a lucrative position with the employer assuming we master a certain software application -but in actuality we do not. What we really got is a grace period in which we need to work hard, quickly learn the application and prove our mastery of it.


Areas of particular relevance: Luck, chance, generosity, donations, giving and accepting help rest on our laurels.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Unexpected success, getting a second chance, our spouse accepts us as we are Tendency to idealize the other party, trusting our physical appearance and prosperity and put no additional effort
Career Unexpected promotion and success, getting help, getting a break although we have yet to prove ourselves Tendency to trust our luck, not tying the loose ends, inability to reach financial independence, tendency to rest on our laurels
